Restore My Soul
He leads me beside still waters


be still

we want instant answers

sometimes we panic

sometimes e are desperate

The Lord calms us

we find comfort in Him

friends are supportive

but lets remember

we are growing in Christ

not making instant coffee

in God's creation
the river flows
the wind blows
the sun shines
the night comes
a new day dawns

and I have recovered enough
to feel the wind on my back

the sun shining onto my face

the rain on my roof
filling my rainwater tanks


Clear Waters

over the last week I have been thinking I need a generic website name
which is 5 - 7 letters long, easy to remember and expresses the heart of my ministry.

"Clear waters" came to mind.

the Lord cleanses us

through the washing of His word

I once despaired that my soul was contamiinated by csa

how can it be cleansed?

have you sen the demonstration
of a glass of water
some impuriy is droped in it and it pollutede  it changes color

one morning I was washing up
the Lord showed me the container which had milk
it had been rinced but was a diluted milky color

I was led to put it under the tap

as water flowed into it

it became purer and clearer

God's word washes our soul

next insight

the Lord shows us a line upon  line

insight after insight

let's see ....

yes - more to come

the river flows

the rain comes

everything in season